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Remind me: Bachelor's Open Day (on campus)
Saturday 8 March 2025, 10:00 - 16:00

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By providing this data you agree to Utrecht University processing your data. We may use your data to contact you via your chosen communication channels to provide information we believe is relevant to your study choice. We may also use your data for anonymous internal reporting and -filtering purposes to ensure you improve the relevance of information send. We use email tracking to find out if information has been received. Your data will not be disclosed to third parties/external organizations. Your data will be stored by our CRM provider in a country compliant with all relevant EU legislation.

Your personal information will be stored in a secure database in compliance with our data retention policy. You have the right to request a copy of your information stored. You may also request a correction or removal of any information you think is inaccurate. Please get in touch to request this information or request a correction or removal.

You can unsubscribe at any time via the link at the bottom of our emails . If you unsubscribe, we will retain your data for anonymous internal reporting purposes. Should you wish to not have your data used for this purpose, or if you want your data to be removed completely, please send us a request by email.

For more information on how Utrecht University uses your personal data, please read our privacy policy or contact our Data Protection Officer. If you believe that Utrecht University is not fully complying with data protection requirements, you may file a complaint at our Data Protection Officer.